"Sorry, no model train for you this year..."
Nov 24, 2024
Saint Nicholas is undoubtedly the superstar saint of the Netherlands. Forget TikTok influencers—this guy has been trending for centuries. And it’s not just the Catholics who venerate him; for weeks leading up to his feast day on December 6, he’s everywhere. His grand arrival is televised (complete with his bishop’s gear: alb, miter, staff, and a cape so fabulous it could give superheroes a run for their money), and every evening there’s a dedicated news bulletin tracking his whereabouts.
His popularity rivals Santa Claus in North America, Father Christmas in England, the Three Kings in Spain, and even Italy’s Christmas Witch. Like his international gift-giving counterparts, Saint Nicholas is the ultimate bringer of winter joy, wrapped in tradition and sprinkled with magic.
Growing up, I was a full-on devotee of Saint Nicholas. Every year, I spent hours carefully crafting my wishlist, knowing it had to be worthy of his saintly attention. One year, in a bold move, I went all-in. No backup options. Just one item: the model train of my dreams. This, I was sure, would tip the scales in my favor.
But when Saint Nicholas’ helpers delivered the gifts on the big night, my parents broke the news: “Saint Nicholas has to help a lot of kids, and unfortunately, his budget didn’t stretch far enough for a model train this year.”
I was heartbroken. But the next day, it got worse. One of my best friends gleefully announced that he had gotten a model train. Cue my nine-year-old existential crisis. That day, I learned two important lessons: (1) not all wishes are granted, and (2) Saint Nicholas desperately needed a better accountant.
Looking back, though, there’s something profound about this tradition that ties it to another feast day celebrated at the end of the liturgical year: Christ the King. Just as Saint Nicholas hears every child’s wishlist (even if he doesn’t grant every request), Christ hears our prayers for peace, unity, and healing in this broken world.
We pray for the coming of his Kingdom, but just as Saint Nicholas gives what he deems best (sorry, no model trains), he answers in ways that go beyond our understanding. His Kingdom does not belong to this world.
But here’s the thing: even if we don’t get what we ask for, we’re not off the hook. Saint Nicholas inspires us with stories of helping people in desperate situations, and our prayers for peace should spur us to take action, too.
So this Advent, let’s take a page from Saint Nicholas’ book. As we pray for a world filled with peace and unity, let’s also roll up our sleeves and start building it ourselves. Who knows? Your small actions could be the start of a much bigger miracle.
If you had to go all-in, what would be the number one thing you'd put on your wishlist this year? Let me know in the comments!