The Walk

The Walk

Hosted by: Fr. Roderick Vonhögen

A weekly walk with Fr. Roderick during which he shares his thoughts as a priest on the struggles and challenges as well as the joys and surprises of day-to-day life.

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The Walk: Experiences in Leicester

My ideas around the courses I'm producing during my 'digital nomad' weeks are quickly evolving. I'm recording this episode of The Walk at the end of my second week in the UK. I share with you some of my experiences,...
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The Walk: My First Week as a Digital Nomad

I share with you my adventures during the first week as a digital nomad in the city of London! More information about my upcoming Storytelling Course and about how to sign up will be coming soon!
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The Walk: Took vs Baggins

I have always enjoyed traveling, both for work and for leisure. On the other hand, I'm also a bit of a Hobbit who likes to be at home and who is apprehensive of leaving my routines and familiar surroundings...
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The Walk: What Comic Con Taught Me About Myself

In this episode, I share with you why my visit to Dutch Comic Con was so different from previous years. The migration from Patreon to my new membership community and Premium Podcast feed is now in full swing; all...
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The Walk: How To Get Out Of The Negativity Loop

Whether it is about Star Wars: The Acolyte, about politics or about faith: online debate seems to be stuck in a negativity loop that is hard to avoid nowadays. Before you know it, you get sucked into the vortex of...
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The Walk: Creating a New Home For My Community

For months I have been working behind the scenes on creating a new home for my community on my own website. I have finally started the process of bringing people over from Patreon to the new system, and I am ironing...
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The Walk: A Thousand Words Per Day

I am writing a new book about my method to create online content that reaches new people and forms community around my podcasts and videos. I have been developing this method for the past 20 years, from my early days...
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The Walk: Struggling With Your To-Do List? Try This Instead

Yoda’s famous words—“Do, or do not. There is no try”—resonate beyond the Star Wars universe. But in our daily lives, it’s not always easy to put into practice. Join me as I explore the struggle between productivity...
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The Walk: About Hobbits, Gardeners and Architects

I often dream of living like a Hobbit. A life in which the only thing I have to worry about is which meal comes next, or in which I only have to follow a wizard and a bunch of dwarves on an adventure. But in reality,...
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The Walk: What LEGO Taught Me About Pentecost

After the first LEGO movie came out, I was so inspired that I created a short animated video with Lego minifigures in which I explained the meaning of Pentecost. It was an instant hit and was viewed hundreds of...
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The Walk: How Intermittent Fasting Helps Me Become a Storm Trooper

I share my personal journey of joining the 501st Star Wars cosplay group, along with my commitment to becoming a healthier individual. I share how intermittent fasting not only helps me lose weight, but also reminds...
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The Walk: How a Zoo Visit Made Me Rethink My Workflow

On Monday, I got a tour behind the scenes of the Tropical Reef Aquarium of Burger's Zoo in Arnhem. It was a fascinating experience. Our guide explained how the zoo makes its own, high quality sea water, eight million...
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